Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

RIFS conducts research with the goal of understanding, advancing, and guiding processes of societal change towards sustainable development.

In brief

Call for Application

Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship 2026: We are looking for applications from highly talented mid-career professionals, from Germany or abroad, who have worked for at least ten years on issues related to sustainable development and have the potential to serve as change agents.

Lecture on Energy and Extraction

Philosopher Oxana Timofeeva from the Institute of Global Reconstitution in Berlin will give a KOSMOS lecture at Humboldt University on 30 January. Moderated by RIFS researcher Stefan Schäfer, the evening will explore energy and extraction and the limits of sustainability.

When Climate Denialism and Misogyny Intersect

In an interview with the media outlet ZNetwork, RIFS Fellow Cara Daggett talks about petro-masculinity, a term she coined to describe the rise of authoritarian movements in the Western hemisphere, and what it signals for a second Trump administration.
