Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Teresa Erbach

Teresa Erbach

Research Associate


teresa [dot] erbach [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de

Teresa Erbach studied psychology, philosophy and literature in Munich, Toulouse and Berlin. She initially worked as a freelancer in science communication and education for sustainable development and then worked as a project manager at the social research institute Mauss Research. In June 2021, she joined the RIFS (then IASS) as a research associate in the project Narratives and Images of Sustainability.

At RIFS, she conducts research on climate change adaptation and the role of cultural heritage in transformation processes. She is particularly interested in strategies to address the social, cultural and emotional challenges of climate change adaptation.

Since January 2024, she has been leading the project Cultural Heritage and Climate Adaptation in Coastal Cities at RIFS, in which she is investigating the role of cultural heritage for climate change adaptation in Jakarta, Alexandria and Bremen in collaboration with academic partners and practitioners. She also supports artistic research on sustainability issues and transdisciplinary collaborations with actors from the cultural sector.

  • Since June 2021: Research Associate at the IASS/ RIFS
  • 2020 - 2021: Mauss Research (Research in Social Science)
  • 2017 - 2020: Freelance in artistic and scientific projects.
  • 2018: M.A. in European Literatures (HU Berlin).
  • 2015: B. Sc. in Psychology (LMU Munich and Université de Toulouse)

  • Perceptual patterns and values
  • Social and environmental psychology
  • Artistic research
  • New alliances between art and science